Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dark Dud

Before I give my review of the super-blockbuster super-hyped new Batman movie, I'm going to repost my thoughts about the new movie, based on the trailers I saw. And from what I saw, I was pretty damn close.

There is another Batman movie coming out soon. The villain of the movie is played by the recently deceased Heath Ledger. Ledger was a good actor & I'm sure he did his best in the role. Unfortunately, the movie looks like utter crap. I wonder if these movie people have ever read a Batman comic. I see cockney Alfred is back, as is the shit Batmotank. We now have a new Bat Motorcycle, which looks like the shit-box tank, cut in half. Now for all I know, this movie may be good. But I'm sure it won't make my dream of bringing a good Batman movie to the screen a reality. The Joker looks like a guy who is wearing make-up & is sweating it off, rather than the chemically scarred person he's supposed to be. And from what I see in the trailers, it looks like a lot of talk, a lot of Bruce Wayne & just a smidgen of kick-ass action. I hope I'm proven wrong. But this Dark Knight looks like a Dark Dud.

I was right about the motor-cycle being half of the tank & I was right about the Joker just being some thug with make-up. I was also right that they still haven't made a good Batman movie. But anyway...

My review.

Just got back from The Dark Knight & unfortunately, I was right. This movie was no worse than the last one, but no better either. In fact, it was mostly a fucking bore, just like the last one.

The movie starts with a bank robbery by the Joker. He shoots all his accomplices. Ooh, never seen that before. We then see his face. YAWN. He then speaks. He is neither scary nor threatening. In fact, no body in the movie seems to be scared of him either, something the Joker could do in the comics with just his face. This one just looks like a stupid guy in makeup. I guess they wanted to go the real route in this comic book movie, because he would not scare anyone in real life either. As for Ledger, he was very good. But, there is nothing I saw in Ledger's performance to may me say, "Wow!" or "He deserves an award." He is so unlike the Joker, or any super villain for that matter, that he comes across as just a common street thug. His performance is over-rated & I hate to say it, but it's because the fool killed himself. The Joker is supposed to be the Clown Prince of Crime. Instead he's just another guy who likes to kill for fun. Something I've seen 1000 times before. I never felt like he had the presence of the Joker. Not once did I ever feel he could run a big crime syndicate or even a small group of punks.

We then see the horrendous Scarecrow rendition from the last movie & shows us how stupid of a character they made last time around.
The movie is drawn out over 2 & a half hours. They have very little character development & as a result, I don't care for either Harvey Dent or the ugly broad they threw in this movie. Would two super rich, super powerful men go after her? Not a shot in hell. Stupid.

Luckily Michael Cane is in the movie for about 3 minutes total, so it didn't even bother me that it was supposed to be Alfred this time. I just thought of him as an old English homosexual, living with the lisping Bruce Wayne. Speaking of Bruce Wayne, Christian Bale is a good Bruce Wayne. But his stupid voice as Batman is so corny, that Adam West is groaning somewhere.

There were some good parts of the movie. I liked the Batcycle, although if it weren't for CGI, that thing wouldn't be able to turn left on a 4 lane stretch of road.
Another thing I liked is that they finally addressed how stupid it was that Batman couldn't turn his head. They lightened up the armor (something Batman shouldn't be using in the first place) & gave him a neck. Hooray! The car chase scene was pretty good, not great. I do also have to mention that Gary Oldman was the best as Jim Gordon. Morgan Freeman, is also great & he's given a bigger part, which he deserved.

My friend kept telling me that the Batman I want is the kiddie Batman & this one is the adult Batman because it's more realistic. Bullshit, I want the comic book Batman. I want the animated series Batman. I tried to imagine if this were real life & the movie were not based on a comic book. And when I did that, I saw how truly boring the movie was. If being adult means boring, then this film was definitely adult. I'll stick to something that can entertain. I'm still waiting for a good Batman movie.

If this scares you, you're a wuss.

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