Sunday, August 17, 2008

12 Movie Sequels That Almost Ruined Their Franchises

Hollywood has to make a buck, so when a movie is a huge money maker, they run right out & make a sequel. Sometimes the sequels work & in a few cases, they are even better than the original. But, more often than not, they stink. The following is a list of sequels that stink. I mean they really stink, especially when compared to the original movie. In fact, they stink so bad, they almost ruin the original movie. In no particular order:

Took too long to get back into it. The characters that were already introduced, have to be re-introduced & it's total boredom. Then, when they finally get going, the story is so stupid, we don't give a shit.

Matrix Revolution & Reloaded
"Yes, Mr. Architect, we get it. Yes, I'm sure, we get it. Yes. Yes. I know. Yes, I know. Okay, you don't have to start over. Nooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Alien 3
Not only do I not care if a bunch of criminals get killed, but it's by a dog-alien. Woopeee! As exciting as watching paint peel.

Halloween 3
6 more days 'til Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. 6 more days 'til Halloween, stupid movie. Killer Halloween masks. Oh, I'm so scared.

Jurassic Park 2
The first book Jurassic Park was great, but Spielberg actually improved it with the first movie. The second book was just as great as the first one. But somehow, Spielberg fucked it all up. All I had to see was that girl kick the raptor & I lost any ounce of hope I had for this movie.

Ghost Busters 2
Wow! The first movie was a gem, a classic. But when the Statue of Liberty grew joints & started to walk, I literally threw up in my mouth. Speaking of joints, Dan Aykroyd must have been smoking a few when he wrote this clunker.

The Exorcist 2
Holy shit! Bugs, James Earl Jones & African music....for 2 hours. Nuff said.

Mission: Impossible II
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. If I had to stare at that girl's eyes bulging out of her head much longer, I would have gone insane, just like her.

Austin Powers: Goldmember
"I love gooooooooold!" Yeah, and I like funny movies. This one isn't.

Smokey & the Bandit 3
"Okay guys, let's take the best character from the first 2 movies & give him his own movie. It'll work. Nah, who cares if we actually give him a story that's funny. It doesn't matter!"

Godfather Part 3
When you can actually laugh at family tragedy, you know the movie sucks.

Speed 2
"3 knots!"...........................................
"2 knots!"...........................................
"1 and a half knots!"................................
And 1 fucking knot in my stomach. Horrendous.

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