Sunday, August 17, 2008

12 Movies they should make a sequel to

(In the low announcer voice)In a world where there are no more original ideas, there is a sea of shitty sequels. Since there's no stopping them, I would like them to make a few of movies I actually give a shit about. Here are some movies that I loved, or at least liked enough to want to see more. On each of these, I'm going to write a short idea of what I would like to see if they ever did make a sequel. Hopefully, some movie maker will see this list & get these done.

UPDATE 2019: Note how many of these got a sequel after I said they should. There are some in talks right now. Note that my ideas would have been better than what they wound up doing.

A video game creator named Flynn gets zapped into the computer world, where he helps a security program defeat an evil program.
I heard they are actually making a sequel, due out in 2011. The story is being kept under wraps, but here's what I would do.

What the sequel should be:
It's now many years later. Flynn now runs a huge video game company. We see some geeky hacker trying to get into Flynn's system to steal some ideas. Inside the computer world, we see Tron is still around. However, he's now been upgraded & spends his time fighting computer viruses (with a bunch of cool fighting scenes). Tron can now transform his body & he now has many more gadgets than just his frisbee. He hears about the hacker's "program" & tries to intercept him. But, the hacker's guy kicks the shit out of Tron & attacks Flynn's computer. Other programs in the system see that Tron has been taken out. A small group of other programs that have nothing to do with security, band together to attack the hacker's program before he makes it back to the hacker's computer with the information. of course, they stop him. To celebrate, Flynn's newest game is about this band of programs.

The Last Starfighter
Alex Rogan, a kid from Earth beats a video game. He is recruited by a group of aliens to fight against an evil armada. Naturally, he wins.

What the sequel should be:
The Kodan armada is pissed at Alex Rogan. The good news for the bad guys, is now they know about Earth. So, they decide to attack Earth & they do it successfully or at least partially. They take over California & set up a base there. All efforts to attack them end in vain. The Kodan slowly start to move across the United States. Meanwhile, Alex & Grig, who have been training a new group of Starfighters, is oblivious to the fact that Earth is in trouble. Louis, Alex's brother who is now in his 20s, is able to break into one of the Kodan's base with a group around his age, to send a message to Alex. Alex & the Starfighters take off toward Earth. They start attacking the Kodan base. But, the base is protected by a shield. When all seems lost, Louis & his group join the fight by destroying the shield from inside, and even stealing a few Kodan ships. Naturally, Earth wins.

Van Helsing
What if James Bond was a monster hunter? That's basically it. Van Helsing kills some of movie's greatest monsters.

What the sequel should be:
Basically more of the same, but with more Kate Beckinsdale in tight clothing. The Frankenstein's Monster is reborn. But, this time the Monster is truly evil. He's on a rampage, killing villagers left & right, & destroying things like an unstoppable Juggernaut. The strange thing is that the dead villagers are returning from the dead as zombies. The Monster is able to control these zombies & uses them as his own personal army. Van Helsing & Anna (Beckinsdale in tight clothing), are able to find the Monster (after killing 200+ zombies & the Creature From the Black Lagoon) & they find out that his body is inhabited with the "soul" of Dracula. But, that's not even the big secret of the movie. The person behind the whole thing is an evil scientist. When Drac/Monster realizes he's being played a fool, he joins Van Helsing in stopping the scientist. At the end, the Monster destroys himself....supposedly. Mwahahaha!

The Thing
A shape shifting alien takes over a group of people living in the Arctic, killing them.

Yeah, I want to see more of this ugly thing!

What the sequel should be:
The Thing makes it to South America, where he tries to replace a small village. The monster would be much cooler as it would be able to take the form of or parts of different animals. The village fights back against the alien, & seems to win. But, a small part of the alien makes its way onto a plane headed towards New York.

The Incredibles
A family of superheroes comes out of hiding & stops a bad guy's plot.

What the sequel should be:
The Incredible kids are grown up now. Violet is now married & has a child. Dash is a ladies man, but has a regular girlfriend now. Jack is all grown up & moved out. In the news there are stories of a group of super powered villains doing evil deeds & robbing ancient artifacts. The Incredibles investigate, but can't figure out who's behind it. They think it's Jack behind the whole thing. It winds up that it's Violet's husband & Dash's girlfriend.

Beavis & Butthead Do America
The guys travel across the U.S. because they think they're gonna get laid. They wind up in a plot about a virus & the government chases them. They never get laid.

Huh huh!

What the sequel should be:
This is the story I told a guy from MTV, when he told me they were making a Beavis & Butthead movie & they couldn't think of anything. The guys find out that prostitution is legal, so they travel across the U.S. because they think they're gonna get laid. They get caught up in a plot where the government chases them. They never get laid.
In any case, these guys need to be back on the big screen.

Deep Rising
A monster attacks a giant cruise ship. 3 people kill the monster & escape to an island. Apparently on the island, there are more monsters.

What now?!

What the sequel should be:
Just pick the movie up where it left off. These guys are on the island & there's some giant monster. The 3 use the island's resources to kill the monster. Simple, yet entertaining.

Galaxy Quest
Old "Star Trek" actors wind up being recruited by real aliens into fighting a war for them.

What the sequel should be:
The group's show is a big hit, but weird things start happening on the set. Things that could only happen with alien technology. The cast starts to disappear. A secondary character from the show is in cahoots with an alien in a plot to get rid of the actors, so he can become the star. A "Quester" fan rescues the group & becomes a member of the show.

History of the World Part 1
A comedy set in different times in human history.


What the sequel should be:
JEWS IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!! Although Mel Brooks never meant for the "preview of part 2" scenes to ever be made, I think they should be done as well as a few full-length scenes.

Time Bandits
A bunch of time-traveling little people go around stealing stuff.

4 foot 1!

What the sequel should be:
They are still going around stealing, but it seems that someone is beating them to the punch. They chase the unknown thief through time. When they catch up to him, they find out that it's Kevin, the kid from the first movie, who's now an adult. He spent his life trying to replicate the map & finally does. The Supreme Being shows up to put a stop to it all, destroying both maps, leaving Kevin & the Bandits stranded somewhere in time. But, the world starts to change for the worse. They find out that the Evil Genius has his own map & is traveling around changing history & making the Earth a literal Hell on Earth. The Bandits & Kevin find a crazy man, who has a theory about time portals & helps them to find the portal to the Evil Genius' fortress. They stop the Evil Genius & as a reward, the Supreme Being gives the group a map to "The Most Fabulous Object in the World".

Titan A.E.
The Earth is blown up by aliens. An Earthling named Cale travels in space to find a spaceship that can "create" a new world. He destroys the evil aliens & creates a new world.

What the sequel should be:
Everything seems to be going well on the new Earth, but the weather starts to change for the worst. Earthquakes, hurricanes, severe lightning storms, snow storms, the works. They can't figure our what's wrong with the planet, but Cale's son & his friends find out that some industrialist is drilling deep under ground & causing instability around the planet. They get a band together & venture into the planet's core to shut down the operation. But is it too late? Ask Al Gore.

Undercover Brother
A spy spoof about a black secret agent.

Get me Undercover Brother!

What the sequel should be:
A spy spoof about a black secret agent. No need to revamp Undercover Brother. He's fine just the way he is.

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