Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Top 10 Funniest Scenes in Movie History

1) Smokey meets the Bandit: Smokey & the Bandit

Best quote: "Bank robbin' is baby shit alongside what this dude is doin'!"

Sheriff Buford T. Justice stops by a diner to get a quick meal while chasing the Bandit across the country. Little does he know, but the Bandit is sitting right next to him.

Why it's funny: You can see that Burt Reynolds is fighting back his laughter throughout this entire scene.

2) Puttin' on the Ritz: Young Frankenstein

Best quote: "Puttin' on the RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITZ!"

Proving that not only can he bring the dead back to life, but he can make him into a sophisticated man about town, Dr. Froderick Frankensteen does a song & dance routine with the monster.

Why it's funny: You almost think he pulls it off, until the monster opens his mouth & let's out a hilarious belt.

3) The vomiting guy: Monty Python's Meaning of Life

Best Quote: Waiter: "Ah, good afternoon sir, and how are we today?"
Mr. Creosote: "Better."
Waiter: "Better?"
Mr. Creosote: "Better get a bucket, I'm gonna throw up."

A grotesquely overweight man goes to a restaurant, where he continues to vomit all over the place. At the end of the scene, he explodes.

Why it's funny: The rest of the restaurant acts like nothing is wrong. John Cleese as the waiter actually enjoys serving this gluttonous mess. But that's because he knows what the result is going to be.

4) Springtime For Hitler: The Producers

Best Quote: "Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come & join the Nazi party!"

A scheme is thought up by broke Broadway director Max Bialystock. Let's take in money to produce a play. Make the worst play ever, & have it close on the first night, so we don't have to pay the backers any money back. This is the opening song of the play.

Why it's funny: Played out like an old Busby Birkeley musical number, Springtime for Hitler is actually very entertaining. However, you'd never know it by the crowd's faces. The actual try-out for the singing Hitlers is also up there as a funniest scene as well.
Man tells us his audition song: "The Little Wooden Boy"
(piano intro)
Director: "Thank you!"

5) These go to 11: This is Spinal Tap

Best Quote: "These go to 11."

Nigel Tufnel, lead guitar player for the heavy metal group "Spinal Tap" is proud to show that he has a special amplifier that goes up to 11, rather than 10, which means it's "1" louder than the others. After director Marty DiBergi explains that you could just make 10 the top number, just make it louder, Nigel explains, "These go to 11."

Why it's funny: Because Nigel truly believes that a his amp is louder because it's "1" louder.

6) I was gonna make espresso: Young Frankenstein

Best Quote: "I was gonna make espresso."

Yes, Young Frankenstein makes it into the top 10 funniest scenes again. This time, it is a parody of the scene from "The Bride of Frankenstein", where a blind man shares some time with Frankenstein's monster. The monster (Peter Boyle) meets the blind man (Gene Hackman). After pouring hot soup in his lap & smashing his mug of drink, the blind man decides to smoke cigars with his new friend, which ends up with the monster getting his thumb lit on fire.

Why it's funny: Peter Boyle's expressions as he goes through this painful encounter.

7) The farting scene: Blazing Saddles

Best Quote: "I'd say you had enough beans!"

Just a bunch of guys farting around a campfire.

Why it's funny: Farting is funny. Especially when the farts are obviously made by a bunch of comedy writers around a microphone. It's starts off slow & then escalates into an explosion of farts. Mix in a few burps & you got comedy gold.

8) The Jesus: The Big Lebowski

Best Quote: "Nobody fucks with the Jesus!"

This is actually 2 scenes. There was never a better cameo appearance in another movie as great as John Turturro's appearance as Jesus Quintana. A Latino bowler who doesn't take shit from anyone. The scene here is the second scene, where Jesus is a little upset that they moved his bowling to to Wednesday.

Why it's funny: Because the guy is this serious about fucking bowling!

9) Wrecking the Gas Station: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Best Quote: "Irwin! We're gonna have to kill him!"

This scene actually starts before the clip here. It starts with the meeting of Otto Mayer (Phil Silvers) & Pike (Johnathan Winters). It moves on to where Otto shows up at the gas station in a hurry ("What is this a staring contest? C'mon!") then up to the point where Pike shows up at the station & gets knocked out. And then ends with the great scene of destruction seen here. Enjoy.

Why it's funny: It's total pandemonium.

10) Inspector Clouseau: The Pink Panther series

Best Quote: "Three! My hand is on fire!"

There's no way to choose just one scene from the series. And so, I'm just putting them all here.

Why it's funny: Because Peter Sellers was the funniest person on the face of the Earth.

I could go on all day, listing the scenes, but enjoy this video of some of the best.


sunshine said...

i could not stop laughing the first time i saw the farting scene from blazing saddles.
that scene is priceless!

Tez said...

hehehe I love farting scenes,
like in deadwood, calamity jane farts and says "I farted, so what!"