Sunday, May 18, 2008

Top 10 Most Annoying Cartoon Characters

Cartoon characters can be funny. They can be heroes. And yes, they can be annoying. Here are the most annoying characters in the history of animation.

10) Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob is different than the others on this list for one reason. He was created to be annoying. Even his theme song was created to be loud and obnoxious, so as to wake up parents, as the kids screamed bounced around the room, singing about a freaking sponge! There have been questions about Spongebob's sexuality. People wonder if he is gay. I have the answer. Spongebob is a FUCKING SPONGE!

9) Olive Oyl: Popeye Cartoons

Besides having an annoyingly annoying voice, Olive's sole purpose in her cartoon life is to get Popeye to fight with Bluto. I mean the poor guy's got a fucking eye missing. I don't even think he has any teeth. He's bald smokes a cheap ass corn-cob pipe. Bluto comes along and wants her scrawny ass. He's huge, muscular, has a nice head of hair and can bend steel bars without the aid of a can of spinach. He can get any babe he wants. Yet he wants Miss Stringbean here. She's happy to go with Bluto, but in her evil mind, she knows she's gonna piss Popeye off & force him to chew on that disgusting veggie. He'll then pummel poor Bluto into a pulp. And like a dope, Popeye accepts the fact that she used Bluto to make him jealous. She's evil & annoying. A bad combination.

8) Orbity: The Jetsons

Do you remember the Brady Bunch? Do you remember when the show was nearing the end & they brought in the Brady cousin Oliver? You know, the blond kid with the big glasses. He had smart ass remarks & was un-Brady like in every way. Do you remember what happened to the show after Oliver's first appearance? Yes, it went right down the shitter. Well, in the world of the Jetsons, they had a cousin Oliver & his name was Orbity. Orbity was a little alien that had springs for legs. He made little stupid noises instead of talking. Orbity made his appearance when the Jetsons came back for all new episodes almost 20 years after their first run. The show ran straight for 18 years with only 24 episodes. Yet, they decided that the Jetsons needed a new character to bring it into the "future" of television. Sure, the Jetsons had a pet already, but he was just a dog. A dog that talked! Sure, he talked like he had a mouth full of buffalo balls, but he fucking talked! Orbity couldn't do that. He bounced around & got into trouble. Oh Orbity, you little minx. You're so cute...and annoying.

7) Snarf: Thundercats

Snarf snarf snarf! Snarf Snarf! Yes, if you know the name, you know the annoying way he said "Snarf!" every three seconds. Snarf was the "bodyguard" of a young Lion-o. Lion-O was just a kid, when the show started, but less than an episode later, he would be full grown & become the leader of the Thundercats. Lion-O could kick major ass with his sword, yet Snarf was always there following him around. "Snarf! Snarf snarf!!" There's a famous tape going around of bloopers from the Thundercats. In one of them, Snarf is talking to Lion-O. "But Lion-O, what are we going to do? Snarf!" To which Lion-O answers, "Shut the fuck up." Yes Snarf, shut the fuck up.

6) H.E.R.B.I.E.: The Fantastic Four

Sure, lots of people hate the recent Fantastic Four movies. But you must be thankful that H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot wasn't in either of them. H.E.R.B.I.E. was added to the FF for their 1978 cartoon series. They needed him to replace the Human Torch, as the Torch was going to be used in a separate tv series, which never aired (and not for the rumored reason that little dumb kids would light themselves on fire). H.E.R.B.I.E. stands for Humanoid Experimental Robot B-Type Integrated Electronics. Kind of stupid, isn't it? But not as stupid as H.E.R.B.I.E.. Yes, even the idea of a robot given a Jewish name was not original (Get Smart had Hymie), but I just wonder who decided to replace the Human Torch with a robot. And not even a cool robot. He had no friggin powers!! He floated around and was supposed to be some sort of genius. Excuse me, but Reed Richards is a SUPER-GENIUS!! Annoying & useless.

5) Orko: He-Man & the Masters of the Universe

Okay, so take Snarf. Make him float. Give him a wizards cap & cloak, but take away his face. Now, give him magic powers that are utterly useless. Oh, the hilarity! Oh, the annoyance. Orko had a voice that was kind of like Alvin from the Chipmunks, if Alvin had gargled with liquid helium. Throw in the fact that he was comedy relief that was neither comedy nor relief and you got #5 on the list.

4) Newton: The Mighty Hercules

"What are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?" The Jimmy Two-Times of the cartoon world. Newton was a centaur who used to follow Hercules around. Naturally, he'd get in trouble and Herc would have to save his horse's ass of an ass. Now sure, we have tons of shows where the comic relief character would have to be saved by the hero, but almost none as annoying as Newton (check out numbers 2 & 1 for the winners in this category). Not only did Newton have this double talk, but he seemed to run into trouble, although he should have seen it right away. Later on in the series, they introduced Newton's partner, Toot. Toot was a satyr who, instead of speaking, would toot on a little pan flute. Now, you would think that Toot would beat Newton when it came to being annoying. But Toot was actually helpful in most cases. Although I will never forgive Toot for the time when he woke up a knocked out Newton, by splashing water in his face, by spitting it out of his flute. Let Newton sleep Toot! Let him sleep!! Trivia: Newton was voiced by Jack Mercer, who also voiced Popeye. Why, Jack, why?

3) Scrappy Doo: The Scooby & Scrappy Doo Puppy Hour

Pu-pu-pu-puppy Power! Pu-pu-pu-piss!!!
Oh look! He looks like Scooby Doo, but smaller! He's cute! Oh, I just want to squeeze him until his fucking eyeballs pop out his head!
Look, everyone hates Scrappy Doo. Jar-Jar Binks hates him. Even Scooby & the Gang hates him. And the reason is simple, he did not partake in the herb! We know Scooby was smoking up! He & Shaggy would go looking for snacks, while Scrappy was just interested in solving the case & kicking ass. The problem was Scrappy just wouldn't mellow out with a few trees. Puff puff puffy power mutha fucka! Every episode I waited for someone to punt that dog like a football. He was even the same color as a football, shit brown!

2) Uni: Dungeons & Dragons

Waaaaaaaaa! I hate Uni. I hate you Uni. I want Uni to die. I want Uni to die a slow painful death. I want them to cut his horn off & impale the little fucker on it. Uni is the champion of annoying characters that would get into trouble to have to be saved by the kids. The whole show was based on the story that the kids were trying to get home to the real world. This fictional piece of shit would constantly ruin their chances, time & time again. He was a mythological creature! Kill him! Kill him!! Right behind Uni was an almost equally annoying character, Bobby. Bobby was a Barbarian. Bobby would do anything to protect this flea ridden diaper eating pointy headed horse. Even ruin the chance for his friends to get back to their homes. Fuck you Bobby, & fuck you Uni.
Die! Die! Die!

1) Lynn Minmei: Robotech

This is her chance to be a star! Lynn Minmei (sometimes spelled Minmay) is the Queen of annoying. Yes, she saved the entire universe from war by singing her heart out for the giant Zentradis. The Zentradis never heard music. And after hearing her sing, I'm still not sure they've heard music yet. When we first meet her, she's a normal teenage girl. If normal means worrying more about getting married & singing than actually figuring out a way not to die aboard a deserted ship out in space. There really is no way to describe the awesomeness of annoying that Minmei somehow pulls off with the same ease that we pull off breathing. The voice that is supposed to soothe the savage beasts sounds very much like if you scraped cat skeletons along a chalk board.
Even when she's not singing, she's complaining about every little thing under the sun. "Ow! That's hot!" , "Oh, that's sharp!", "Oh! That's slimy!" Stop touching shit bitch. Minmei, you truly are in a class you own.

Honorable mentions
The Great Gazoo: The Flintstones

I don't particularly find Gazoo annoying, but it's clear that he was the Orbity of the Flintstones.

Spritle: Speed Racer

I got to give it to Speed. He was still able to win races, even with this fat bastard kid and his smelly monkey hiding in his trunk. And what the fuck is a race car doing with a trunk anyway?

Keyop: Battle of the Planets

In the Japanese version, Keyop could talk normally. But for some reason, in the American Version, Keyop went, "Bee boop! Wheep!"

Special Mention: Frank Welker

Frank Welker is a voice-over artist & a very famous one at that. He's best known as doing the voice of Fred on Scooby Doo. But, there is a darker side. Frank is known for doing voices of characters that don't speak. For example, he does many animal "voices" such as bears, dogs & even eagles. He's very talented. So, why is he in this article?
Because Frank does annoying voices. As it is, he does the voice of 3 of the characters on my list (Orbity, H.E.R.B.I.E. & Uni). But, let me list a few others. He does Dollar the Dog on the Richie Rich show. He does Nibbler on Futurama. He does Curious George's voice. He does Dr. Claw's cat on Inspector Gadget (he also does Dr. Claw), Abu in Aladdin. You get the point. So, here's to you Frank Welker. Keep screeching & scratching your way to the top of the list!


Tez said...

"I'll get Herc, I'll get Herc!" god he was annoying!!

Frank's growly "I'll get you next time Gadget, next time muwahahaha" is really awesome!

nice blog gog ;p

Gogzilla said...

Thanks Teri! Thanks Teri!

Darth Brooks said...

Spongebob is the Antichrist!

Er, I mean the Anti-Antichrist!

iheartkatamari said...

You know, I had wondered, in retrospect, why everyone found Olive Oyl so attractive. Then again, guys who look like Popeye and Bluto probably can't be too picky. :D

BTW, I hear that in the recent Thundercats series, they've retooled Snarf into a pet, who doesn't talk(probably for good reason).

allvidzhaze said...

What about Yakkey Doodle the obnoxious duckling in later episodes of Tom and Jerry and later with his own show with his side kick Chopper?

Gogzilla said...

Oooh, Yakkey Doodle! Terrible!

Solo1 said...

Keyop DidnDidn't apeak in the American version because his vocabulary was so foul, they couldn't sync it.